Combining technology and experience

Simply defined, machine balance involves the placement of a rotating component of any size, shape and material in an environment where it can rotate freely, affected only by gravity. If there is any eccentricity, gravity will pull the heaviest, most uneven portion to the lowest point in rotation.

In an actual working environment, a balanced piece of rotating equipment should rotate around its center line which is also its center of gravity. The introduction to any form of excess weight (eccentricity, dust, dirt or other substances) to the unit’s surface, centrifugal forces will cause the center of gravity to shift. The rotating component is being forced to rotate on its center line by the bearings, but centrifugal force is trying to make the component rotate around its center of gravity. This results in unbalance, which is seen and heard as vibration.The job of Wade Dynamics is to determine the type of unbalance (static/quasi-static/couple) and if that unbalance is within ISO tolerances or if modifications are needed.

Using the latest technology and backed by over 56 years of experience in the field of dynamic balancing, Wade Dynamics can correct any type of unbalance. Our technicians are trained to determine which type of unbalance is occurring and the best method of correction. We have the capabilities to balance anything from a few grams in weight up to 5000 lbs. In addition,Wade Dynamics can balance in single or two planes using soft bearing balancers and is fully capable of completing your single part emergency jobs or your multi-piece production jobs of any size. Whether you bring the part to us, or we come to you, Wade Dynamics will help you find a balancing solution.

Our Capabilities & Capacities

  • Weight = 1 ounce – 5000 lbs.
  • Diameter = 1/8” – 96” OD
  • Length = 1 ½” – 18’ long.
  • Tolerance = .001 ounce/inches